Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Black in Vermont: Clarifying a Few Things

Hello guys! I wanted to tell you all how much I appreciate the support I have gotten from my this series. What I love about my blog is that I can talk about so many topics. I can do this series but also talks about food, hair, fashion, movies, news, and other important issues. I want to reiterate that I am not saying that all of Vermont is racist or that it is the most racist state in the nation and in the world. I am talking about my experiences WHILE BEING A BLACK WOMEN IN THE SECOND WHITEST STATE IN THE NATION! I also have had a lot of people asking me how was my time in Vermont because they were black and would be interning etc. in Vermont and did not know what to expect. Whether you like it or not Vermont has race issues like every state in the nation, but because there are little to no people of color in the state Vermont has its own unique set of challenges.

With that being said, I am open to discussion. However, what I will not tolerate is someone telling me that there is little racism in Vermont and dismissing my experiences especially when they are a white male who would clearly have a different experience than me, a black woman. As a black woman I would be facing sexism AND racism. Imagine if I a cis-gender female told a trans-gender female that there was no trans-phobia in Detroit. That would be stupid and disrespectful because how can I a cis-gender person tell a trans-gender person how they should feel. I recently had this happen to me and while I was polite about it, I do not condone this at all.

P.S: I usually include links in my post so make sure you check them out in order to learn more!

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