Sunday, April 28, 2013

Life Tips: Dear...Me in High School

Have you ever heard the saying, " hindsight is better than 20/20 vision". Well that saying is so true. I have always wanted to write a letter to my fourteen year old self, and now that I am about to begin  a brand new chapter of my life I want to write the letter now.

Dear Blessed One ,

I know that you are trying to improve yourself  , but you need to know that you can't win them all. Do not take it personally when someone treats you disrespectfully ( note that I am not saying that you should tolerate disrespect, I am just saying do not let it ruin your day). You need to understand that there are some people that would still view you the same way even if you ended world hunger and won a Nobel Peace Prize. Basically, little girl, you need to STOP TRYING TO BE PERFECT! You are more than enough the way you are!

Babe, another thing you need to realize is that your years in high school will be go by so quickly, and after that they  won't really matter. Therefore, you need to brush the haters to one side. Yes, it hurts when you have to deal with some judgmental people ( notice I said people and not children... some people never grow up)  who are literally watching your every move (and don't get me started on the group of girls who tease you just because you allegedly went out of your league when it came to having a crush ...) . The bottom line is this, what people do is a reflection of them and not a reflection of you. Those people are clearly going through something ( no excuse though)  which is causing them to feel so low that they feel like they need to pull someone ( who they think is weak)  down.

An important point that I need to make is that you need to keep up with those prayer walks with Mommy. You may not see it now but by the year 2013 you would have:  been to every continent except for Asia, been on national television twice, met Snoop Dogg, own an international blog,  be attending  law school at the number one school for environmental law in the nation , graduated from MSU a year early, modeled in a city fashion show, been specializing in a science degree, and grown into a very lovely young lady!

Now, as for those people that I mentioned earlier, they will be insignificant. Just focus on bettering yourself, and never let anyone get in your way. I also encourage you to never be afraid to drop people. If someone is bringing you down, is a frenemy, or is just not moving in the same direction as you then just cut them lose. You will later find great, great friends.  All in all just trust in God because He knows what is best for you. Don't freak out if your plan  doesn't come through as you dreamed it to  because as you will see in the future, God is driving the car for your life...not you.


A Child of Promise

I was 14 and I was about to begin my sopohmore year of high school.  When I took this picture I had no idea that God would have given me all that he did. I am so thankful. 

Me at my RISE graduation event! I received my certificate of completion for my environmental studies specialization.

Snoop and I! 

Good Afternoon America!


Me today. I have come a long way... and I look pretty fine ;)

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