Monday, February 18, 2013

Face Map ! What Your Face is Telling You!!!!!!!!

Zones 1 & 3 Improper removal of make-up, cleansers and shampoos in the left and right sides of the forehead can cause congestion and breakouts.   Some inferior cosmetic products contain ingredients that cause comedones (black heads) or irritation. Zones 1 & 3 are known as the "sister" to the bladder and digestive system. Possible dehydration in these areas can be caused by poor elimination of toxins (found in processed and refined foods) and insufficient water intake.
Zone 2 The middle of the forehead between the eyebrows is known as the ‘Wine and Dine’ area and is related to the liver. Vertical lines in this area can indicate the over consumption of alcohol, late night eating or heavy intake of rich food.
Zones 4 & 10 The ears are a highly sensitive area that relate to the kidneys. Hot ears may indicate kidney stress.  Try to assess and possibly reduce your levels of caffeine, salt and red meat in your diet and drink more water.
Zones 5 & 9 Congestion or fine broken capillaries in the upper right and left cheek areas can indicate lung stress caused by smoking, pollution or allergies.
Zones 6 & 8 Dark circles and congestion under the surface of the eye orbit are often hereditary, but are worsened by poor elimination, lack of sleep. Eyelid irritation can mean allergies or a deficiency in the diet.
Zone 7 A reddish nose may demonstrate raised blood pressure.   Pigmentation or increased hair growth along the upper lip may indicate a hormone imbalance. Congestion along the lip line is indicative to the use of lip balm or lip liners that contain comedogenic ingredients.
Zones 11 & 13 Congestion along the left and right sides of the jawbone, near the ears, can be an indication of problematic wisdom teeth or you may have undergone recent extensive dental surgery.
Zone 12 The centre of the chin relates to the small intestine, breakouts in this area maybe due to a history of digestive problems or possible food allergies.
Zone 14 Flushing and sensitivity in the neck and chest area can be due to allergies caused by fragrance usage, or possible rosacea.  Do not forget this area as part of the skin treatment, as it can be an area that is prone to premature ageing.  The skin in this area requires as much moisturisation and sun protection as the face.

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