Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Pretty Little Liars : Hot Water ( Season 3 Episode 20 )

So, I dont watch much TV but Pretty Little Liars is one of my favorite shows and has been one of my favorite book series . Its super suspenseful and you either love it or hate it so I will be sounding off on it weekly . So,  in  this episode Aria is dealing with her and Ezra's problems ( which I am not interested in what so ever) . Ezra's mom comes to visit Aria at a coffee shop . At first I was like yay shes being nice , but as the conversation goes on I see how passive aggressive she is and this meeting was not due to the mother's compassion. Also, Spencer is really annoying me .  Just tell them about Toby and stop acting so gloomy , its really bugging me  ( but I do like how she attacked Mona on the last episode) . BTW Wen is hot she should be with him :P .  Emily and Hanna are snooping around looking for clues that link Officer Wilden to Ali and I think that he is guilty, he has always given me the creeps since day one lol.  He really showed his creepy side today when he tried to "arrest" Hanna's mom , and he got himself hit . I also thought that it was eerie how someone was recording the instance from the police station =O  The ending was so climactic when Spencer got stuck in the sauna  and Aria comes to save her ! Krazy!!!!!!! Then finally, Spencer decides to tell ...... now she does it .

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