Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Reflecting on this 2017: The Dream World

I listed all that I am thankful for in 2017 in a previous post so I will not be repetitive lol! Instead, I will focus on something else that has made 2017 really significant for me. 2017 is when I entered what I call the dream world. The dream world is the world that I would day-dream and literally dream about throughout my childhood and teenage years. In the dream world, I was successful, popular, beautiful, happy, well-connected, mingling with celebrities, in magazines... you get the picture. The dream world was pretty much the opposite of my reality for the most part. In reality, I was not considered beautiful by my peers (and was even thought of as very ugly by some). In addition, I was dealing with depression and a bullying situation that involved a sociopathic sexual harasser.The dream world was my escape. It did not matter what I dealt with in the real world... I knew that the dream world would inspire me, motivate me, and mend my broken heart. 

Once I turned eighteen, it became evident to many that I was going places and I became more blatantly successful each year. For example, I graduated from Michigan State University in a mere three years, earned my JD at 23 years old, worked for an Ivy League school, traveled to every continent (including Antarctica) before the age of 22, and started my LLM. However, it was not until 2017 that I became unusually successful and joined the dream world.  

In 2017 I started a business. This business led me into the pages of Vogue and on the website of ASOS. In addition, I was also networking, interviewing,  and interacting with people that I admired and looked up to for years. For example, back in university, I was obsessed with Alice Greczyn's hair and style! I thought she had the cutest look! Now, fast-forward to 2017 and I had the pleasure of interviewing her!  

So, as one can see I have entered the dream world has become my real world... so maybe I should stop calling it that!

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